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Introduction to Radiation Safety

Radiation safety research focuses on understanding, evaluating, and implementing measures to protect individuals and the environment from the potential harmful effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. It aims to establish guidelines, procedures, and technologies that ensure safe handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of radiation sources in various settings.


Radiation Monitoring and Dosimetry:

Developing and improving techniques to measure and monitor radiation exposure accurately, ensuring compliance with safety standards and providing vital information for dose assessment and risk management.

Radiation Shielding and Containment:

Researching materials and structures that effectively shield against radiation, designing facilities and equipment to minimize exposure, and ensuring secure containment of radiation sources to prevent environmental contamination.

Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response:

Formulating strategies and plans for prompt and effective responses to radiation emergencies, including accidental exposures, nuclear incidents, or radiological terrorism, to minimize harm and protect communities.

Occupational Radiation Safety:

Addressing the safety of workers in radiation-related industries and environments by implementing protocols, training programs, and safety measures to mitigate occupational radiation exposure risks.

Radiation Regulations and Policy:

Analyzing and evaluating existing radiation safety regulations, proposing improvements, and advocating for policy changes to enhance radiation safety standards, compliance, and public awareness.

Radiation Safety

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