Higgs Boson Studies

Introduction of Higgs Boson Studies

Higgs Boson Studies involve investigating the properties, behavior, and implications of the Higgs boson, a fundamental particle discovered at CERN in 2012. Understanding the Higgs boson is vital as it provides insights into the origin of mass in the universe and validates the Standard Model of particle physics.


Higgs Boson Properties and Interactions:

  • Investigating the fundamental properties of the Higgs boson, such as its mass, spin, and coupling strengths, and understanding its interactions with other particles within the Standard Model.

Higgs Boson Production and Detection:

  • Studying the various production mechanisms and experimental detection techniques utilized to observe and confirm the presence of the Higgs boson in high-energy collider experiments.

Higgs Boson and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking:

  • Delving into the Higgs boson’s role in the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism, elucidating how particles acquire mass through their interactions with the Higgs field.

Higgs Boson Beyond the Standard Model:

  • Exploring the Higgs boson’s potential connection to physics beyond the Standard Model, including its role in theories like supersymmetry and understanding its potential link to dark matter and other unresolved phenomena.

Higgs Boson and Cosmic Implications:

  • Investigating the cosmological implications of the Higgs boson, including its role in the early universe and its potential influence on cosmic inflation, structure formation, and the fate of the cosmos.